Cyro Technology

Case study

Case study​

The purpose of the article is to show a case study of an RPA project. The process is currently fully manual; in this article i will show how an RPA project is set up.


The project takes place in the fictional financial department at Cyro Technology.

Once a month, a team of 5 peoples rebalance manually the stock portfolio of their 60 customers, each portfolio is based on an index (an ordered list of stock) created by the company MSCI.

Here are the 3 steps made by the team:

  1. Bank transfer: A fixed amount is transferred from the bank account to the trading platform
  2. Building portfolio: the future stock allocation is built from a PDF doc from
  3. Rebalance portfolio: the stocks are sold and buy according to the target portfolio

The first step is to identify the processes that can be automated and prioritize the one that will be the most profitable.

Process assessment

Each step must be evaluated with the Process Assessment Tool of UiPath. This tool is an Excel file with simple question, the purpose of this step is to determine if the process can be automated, the level of difficulty and the suitability to do it.

For each step we have these results:

Bank transfer Building portfolio Rebalance portfolio
Ease Of Implementation 8% (Low Effort) 12% (Low Effort) 15% (Low Effort)
Benefit/Suitability 98% (High Benefit) 98% (High Benefit) 93% (High Benefit)
Bandwidth Freed (man hours/year) 59 176 78
Error Reduction 98% 98% 93%
Average Handling Time Reduction (AHT Reduction) 65% 65% 62%
Effort to Implement (man hours) 230 230 230

As you can see, each process will benefit from several improvements

  • Bandwidth freed
  • Error reduction
  • Handling time reduction

You will find the complete data in the following Excel file :


Because the data of the process is completely digitalized, every part could be easily automated, priority is given to reducing occupancy time of the team, so the 2nd process will be prioritized.

Process Design Document

The objective of the PDD (Process Design Document) is to document all aspects of the process.

The mains parts are :

  • Description of the purpose of the automation
  • List the stakeholders and their responsibilities
  • Document the complete scope of the project (volume of data, frequency, software used, kind of data sources…)
  • Map the process
  • Detail of each steps
  • Detail of each input
  • Process in/out of RPA scope
  • Document the business exceptions and possibles answers.
  • List of the the various reporting data

Some parts are listed here, you can see the complete data in the following Word file :


Full video

This video shows the complete process as well as the automated version with a UiPath robot. Manual process : 15"14s Automated process : 1"24s